Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sonic Energy


In 2004, Dr. James K. Thurber, a mathematician whom has previously done work on quantum field theory, founded Sonic Dynamic LLC, a project designed to turn sonic energy into a usable, environmentally friendly energy.  In the studies conducted, low-frequency oscillators were used to create usable energy. These oscillators are used to generate sound fields, in "specialized applications". The idea is not yet very practical, because of these restricted parameters. Sonic energy should not be excluded from the (long) list of environmentally-friendly sources of energy. Sonic energy has, thus far, been able to levitate objects and produce 2 kilowatts of electricity, the former being via low-frequency sounds, the latter being via extremely high frequency (high enough to be dangerous) sounds.

Reaction: This is great! I am very glad that this exists. It turns out I was right in class today: Sound can be made into usable energy! It makes one wonder what lobbyists opposed to alternative energy are thinking. There are so many ways of producing energy, I would guess that with the scope of the universe and human imagination, there are infinite ways to create energy. It would make sense why high-frequency sounds would be used, but I was surprised that low-frequency sounds are used as well.  I suppose it just goes to show: Anything that exists is intimately connected with energy (especially if one subscribes to M-theory), so everything is, in a way, a source of energy. Again, why some people think only of fossil fuels when they think of energy is unfathomable.

1. What are some other interesting ways to produce energy?
2. Why can sounds be dangerous?
3. How powerful or loud do the sounds need to be?


  1. I think it is great that people exploring other options that may be our future. It would be nice if this technology could be perfected.I think the most important thing is actually switching from fossil to renewable slowly. We can find ways to get all the power we want, but with out actually harnessing the power, it is not that helpful. We also really only have about half a century to get off oil so I think we should hurry. The problem is that people don't want to change, and the lobbyists have so much power. If any change is going to occur it is going to start with the people then to the politicians.

    The more forms of energy we can use the better.
    Even though at the moment we may not use them. With more options we have more ways we can distribute the demand for power. It is sort of funny that there is energy even though people don't think about it. My family for example is saving up for solar panels to power our home,not many people would think about sunlight hitting your roof as power source. The more creative we get the more power we can use, and hopefully stop such dependence on fossil fuels.

    There are many new forms of energy. People are using photosynthesis in plants for power to power gauges. Sound is also source where vibrations move plates which makes a charge.

    Ryan Marinelli

  2. I love all of the different types of alternative energy that people are coming up with, especially this sound energy. There are sounds all around us, and it would be awesome to be able to use those sounds to create energy.Just think of all of the energy that New York city would create with all of the cars honking their horns. I would be able to create a lot of energy if music could be turned into energy, as I use my iPod every day. We would be able to just drop coal the day once we open up all of the parameters associated with sound energy.

    1.What would be better to use, solar and wind power or sound energy, and why?
    2.Would Apple's sales go up with the discovery of music as a source of energy, or would people be leinint on their own sources of sound?why?
    3. When to scientists expect to unlock the true potential of sound energy, would it be a competitor of solar and wind energy, and how?

  3. All types of alternative energy are awesome! It's really impressive that we've found a way to change sound into energy!! The need for coal will be significantly reduced once sonic energy becomes more practical
    to answer question 2, it is because extremely loud sounds damage or hearing, and pitches on the edges of our hearing are also irritating and damaging

  4. Sonic energy and other types of alternate energy sources are great thing to have access to. Buts we should make sure the energy source being used is good for use. We have a while until we run out of fossil fuels, lets use that time to test alternative sources and make the safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. I've seen wind turbines before and thought that it's a great source of alternative energy. But then, I realized it disrupts wild life like birds. I thought it would be a great source of energy except for that one major con. If scientist could figure out how to build a less environmentally disruptive wind turbine, then it would a perfect replacement of fossil fuels. But until then, we should stick with fossil fuels.
    This is a link of some very odd alternative sources of energy. One of which is energy created by the use of adult diapers!

  5. Sonic energy and other alternative energy sources are great this to have access to. But we need to make sure the alternate source of perfect for use. We have a while until we completely run out of fossil fuels, and we should use that time testing and researching new types of energy. I've seen wind turbines and thought it was a great alternate energy source. The i realized, the turbines disrupt nature by killing wildlife like birds. Until scientist come up with a way to make wind turbines less environmentally disruptive, we should still with fossil fuels.

    These are some odd alternative energy sources. One of which being the use of adult diapers!
