Thursday, May 3, 2012


Picture: This is deforestation. It is obvious that this forest has been severely reduced fromits original size. The reason for this was most likely for agricultural reasons.

Summary: Deforestation is an ongoing devastation. At the rate we are at now, within 100 years, there will be no more forests. There are many reasons why deforestation occur. The main reason is agriculture. People that own farms often cut large portions of forests to harvest crops. Another reason is for economics. The government may have to cut down forests to build cities, roads or developments. Another large industry that cuts down trees at high rates is the logging industry. Loggers cut down a countless number of trees for paper, industrial wood, and fire wood. Buts deforestation can also be natural. For instance, forest fires can naturally spawn from lightning. In any case, deforestation is horrible for organisms that live in wild forests. Trees also give water to the water cycle through transpiration. To help the problem of deforestation, we can simply plant more trees and stop cutting down so may. For we have less of a use for paper because we have electronics, and fire wood is unnecessary because houses are heated with oil instead.

Reflection: It’s amazing how bad humans are to the environment. People should start to notice what i happening to the Earth and start to fix it. Horsham use to be all forest, but now, it is all buildings and roads.

1.      How can you help deforestation in your community specifically?
2.      What are some alternative energy sources that don't require wood?
3.      Is there a way to build cities with cutting down forests?
4.      What is happening right now, if anything, that is help stop deforestation?


  1. 100 years until we are forest-less?! This is absurd! Why humans feel the need to destroy all that gives them life is something I shall never understand. Why don't people plant trees? It would provide them with more resources in the future! Taking trees without planting more is exactly like deciding to survive on subsistence farming, yet forgetting to re-plant your crops after a harvest. Not having forests in the world will make the whole earth environmentally unstable. We would have more floods and pollution than ever before, and that would destroy other surrounding biomes.
    1.Why can't people use less land for agriculture, or simply allow the crops to grow in a more natural way, around trees? The ecosystems around the crops would make them more stable. There wouldn't be a need for so many chemicals.
    2.Why can't urban human life be moved underground? It may sound strange, but how difficult would it really be to build dwellings and stores under forests? We certainly show that being outdoors is not really the goal!
    3. What can people our age do to solve this problem? It will be us and our children that will have to deal with the shockwaves an unstable earth will generate.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We really need to protect our forests. If we don't act soon then our posterity won't even get the chance to see them. I think we should try and gets acts pasted like the Endangered Species Act to protect the habitats rather than just specific animals. Removing so many ecosystems from areas might actually hurt large biomes, also with less trees more carbon dioxide would be in the air.

    It would be horrible if we were to lose all the trees. I have been to the mountains and the forests litter the Pocono's landscape. It is a rather pretty sight. If they were to all cut down it would be a shame. It is sad that we sort of contribute to trees being cut down by purchasing paper. As a community,we really need to start recycling a lot more to lower demand. We could try to use computers more often to get information and create education programs to inform people about the state of things to gain support.

    Ryan Marinelli

  4. It is just an atrocity how people are destroying animals habitats without any concern.We share this planet with other organisms too, and people have to. I use paper everyday and do not realize where it comes from and the process it goes through to get to where it is. My house is also built on land that was once land where animals used to live. It is just gut wrenching to imagine how many animals have been driven from that land where I live.

    1.Will wildlife be able to bounce back from deforestion or is it too late,why?
    2.Will education be able to fix this problem or has this been going on for too long of a time,why?
    3.Should we start turning to electronic work in schools instead of paper, why?

  5. 100 years until we are forest-less?! What is this I don't even...
    Words cannot express this. We need to plant more trees and recycle! Even if we keep planting trees, they will not be large enough for practical uses for a while anyway. In respons to question 3, it is possible to build cities without cutting down forests...don't build close to a forest.
