Saturday, March 31, 2012

Water Bottles


This article is about a ban stopping the selling of plastic water bottles in a town in Canada.  The ban would have many benefits. It would save money and would cut down on oil production, the cost of recycling, and lower the amount of garbage that would go into landfills. When there is less trash the amount will be easier to handle, and it will cost less to compile. Nanaimo city is being very civil and not forcing private companies to stop selling. If the bill passes it will show that some people really care about sustaining the Earth.  Students are even getting involved and getting petition in support of the ban.  The picture is also a  poster for the movie Tapped which is a movie about how water bottle companies are abusing water rights.

I am very happy to hear that there are people trying to help the environment.  I try and not use plastic water bottles. I even bought a reusable water bottle with a Brita filter. I really hope it gets passed and other towns make laws against plastic water bottles. It is also good that students are getting involved. This leads me to believe that younger people are also opposed to using plastic water bottles. It also makes me wonder  why we even  buy bottled  water  It is a little ridiculous in the 1st place that we let ourselves be tricked by these evil companies into buying their product that is a fundamental element in our existence. I hope that this movement spreads over the border into the US and makes some change as well. It is a little disgraceful that the water bottle companies have been allowed to trick people. It costs about 1000 times more for water from a water bottle compared to your tap, and companies are even abusing laws to drain as much water as possible.

Do you think that most people are willing to give up convenience for the environment?
Do you think that people should be going after other plastic items instead of water bottles?
Do you think the media and advertisements are responsible for this problem?

By Ryan Marinelli


  1. I do agree that plastic water bottles are bad for the environment and should be cut down in production exponential. Although I don't think people are "stupid" for buying them. People aren't paying a dollar for the water itself, but for the convenience. I personally will buy a water bottle and refill it often. I think this is a good way to help the environment and have convenient water; win-win. To answer question number 3; No, I do not. I don't think companies are "evil" for making a big profit. It is just clever marketing. I think it is mainly the people's fault for buying them.

  2. Bottled water is an awful industry, but it does please me to know people are actively opposing it. Companies trying to make a buck off of people by taking advantage of the environment is immoral. However, I do think that if more people could see the effect their water bottles, they would not buy them as much. Hagin, I disagree with you. People are paying for convenience, but they are also paying for what they are led to believe is "all natural, pure spring water that is so much better than tap water because tap water is inherently gross". In our society, it seems drinking tap water is akin to shopping at thrift stores: A no-no for those who wish to appear rich, powerful, and stylish. It goes without saying that they are being duped. Hurting the environment unnecessarily is just a status symbol.

    Your question, Ryan Marinelli? I think that some people would be willing to give up the convenience, but like I said, others see harming the environment as a status symbol, and will simply never care to work for the Earth's wellbeing. I think, perhaps, there is an interesting psychological component to this urge to harm the Earth. Since the beginning, Mankind has been striving to conquer the Earth, force it into submission. To help it seems to those with that mindset counterintuitive, like a cop in a car chase giving a criminal a head start.

  3. It is certainly true that in the end bottled water is as much of an inconvenience a it is a convenience.I do not use bottled water unless I need it. Bottled water can severely damage the environment,and there is no difference between it and tap water. It's just unnecessary do be harming the environment when bottled water is not a necessity.If we continue this harmful habit we may not be able to reverse the dangerous results.One example of the abandonment of bottled water can lead to many other, and eventually save the environment.
    1.Can media and television reverse the effects of it's actions, which is the advertisement of bottled water, and if so how?
    2.Why doesn't recycling water bottles help the environment?
    3.Are advocacy groups the only ways in which this topic is trying to be resolved.If not then what are some other ways?

  4. There should definitely be more movement against bottled water usage. If I did use bottled water too frequently then I would go with the movement and stop using bottled water. Fortunately I use more tap water than bottled water.

  5. Bottled water is both an inconvenience and a convenience at the same time when you get down to the facts: it's portable water, holds a reasonable amount, and there are always water bottles nearby if you don't have your own. but negatives are that many people throw them away instead of recycling or reusing them. At m house, we rinse out and refill the water bottles instead of throwing them away. What I think is sad though is that so many people truly think that bottled water is better than tap water: most of the time, its tap water run through one more filter. I definitely think that more people should speak out against the usage of these plastic water bottles. In response to all 3 questions, no, yes, yes
