Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Population and Women's Rights

This image is one of a crowded street in India, the country currently experiencing the greatest growth in population.

The human population's recent increase in growth is nothing short of astounding. Yet women's rights and rights to make decisions concerning their reproductive health are being attacked politically from many angles. Contraception being widely accessible to women could ease the population problem greatly. Even in countries with shrinking populations, the women's rights issue is relevant. If women did not have to choose between their families and their careers, populations would probably be more stable. In the end, the article suggests that the population problem can be solved by women having more rights, options, and education, worldwide.

Reflection: This seems only logical to me, that if a woman has the freedom to make her own decisions concerning how many children to have, and the oppurtunity to have both a flourishing family and career, that she would probably choose a logical number of children, for whom she can care whilst still working, if that is indeed her choice. I have no clue why anyone would attack the rights of women to reproductive education and health care, especially if it can solve the problems with population.


1.What can be done to provide more education and rights to women concerning reproduction?
2. Why would the education of women solve the population problem/
3. Can governments do anything to provide these rights, if so, what?
4.What other groups of people do you think determine the population's growth, and why?


  1. This topic is like the elephant in the room, we know it is there but we tend to ignore it. Education can really help in lowering the population. This could be an example of a view on how our population is going too high,just like what we looked at in class.Rights certainly play a big part, as without rights women can not stop reproducing until their spouse says otherwise.
    1.How we teach the women of third world countries about contraception?
    2.If governments do grant women more rights, will the men of household fulfill those rights?
    3. Is there anything else that can be done to help steady the growth of the world population?

    1. I believe that women should have their rights on when to reproduce.In order to keep our population lower then we should educate these women

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  4. Women should definitely have more rights and better education. With contraception and lower fertility rates, and better sexual education the population should drop. The governments should step in and provide this education. I do not think that we have reached our carrying capacity yet so I there is some time before we should start worrying.

    It is very hard to enforce laws that would provide rights. Take a look at our history. When the Little Rock 9 went to school they were attacked,one student had acid poured in her face. Women had to fight for the right to vote, but were eventually allowed. If a country is politically stable and enough support can be mustered then a change in culture will occur. Then women will honestly have rights in a country and men would adhere to the laws passed.

    When I read this article is reminded me of what i learned in Global Studies. There is a Women's Rights issue in India. Future parents get ultra-sounds and see what gender their baby was, and then abort it if it was a girl. The government made laws against ulra-sounds for that purpose, but people find ways around it. This is an example of how hard a law is to be enforced. Just because there is a law does not mean people will adhere to it.

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  6. This is defiantly a unique view on human's population and how to fix the exponential growth. I do agree that that women deserve more right and a choice of what life-style to fulfill; but I do not necessarily agree that it will dwindle the earth's population very significantly. For American, and many other first world countries’, women have the choice of career of family yet our population growth is still exponential. Of course, I’m not saying more women’s rights in India and other third world countries would be a bad thing, – in fact, I favor it over the alternative – I just don’t agree that it will stop the exponential growth of humans on Earth.

    To answer question number 3: The Indian government can change to a republic or maybe democracy, giving all citizens equal right and a freedom of choice.

  7. Women should definitely have better education and more rights. I agree that women shouldn't have to choose between their jobs and their family; I don't think that it will do much to decrease the earths population. If anything, it would just stabilize it after a few generations. To answer question 2, the education of women would solve the population problem because better educated people usually have fewer children than uneducated people -- educated people usually live in cities --> children are expensive.
