A flower known as the mother of millions is reproducing very quickly. The flowers contain a type of poison and kill cattle that devour them. The poison found in the mother of millions plant was a lot like the poison found in some frogs. When the lizards ate the flower they gained a defense against the toads poison and allowed them to eat them with out feeling the effects of the poison to the fullest extend. Through natural selection also helped snakes develop a tolerance to the poison, it only took 20 to 40 generations to take effect. The Australian government is going to focus on destroying the frogs were the mother of millions is not present, and would have a bigger impact on species
I think it is crazy how fast natural selection can work. I was told for most animals it would take a human life for changes to be noticed but it seems like it happens a lot faster than that. It also seems a little like a game in some ways. One animal makes a move to get a jump another, if the other animal does not a move then it will lose and die. I also think it is interesting to see that some exotic species are not always bad ,as in this case. It is still bad though since many animals still die from the flowers poison.
1. How fast does it take for natural selection to take place?
2. How much will the population of toads drop?
3. Could the toads go through natural selection and get an even stronger poison?